18+ Years

Over 18 Years in Business

Over 272

Storage Units Closed

Over 216 Million

Documents Scanned

Over 28 Thousand

Boxes Securely Stored

Digital Transformation Services

Advanced Scanning

Providing advanced capture and data extraction automation solutions that deliver results

Record Consolidation

We can eliminate your box storage costs and provide easy, secure access to your records online

Document Services

Offering a full range of document imaging solutions to help your business run more efficiently

Digital Mail Automation

By outsourcing your mailroom to ArchiveIT, you can dramatically cut your mail handling costs. All of your critical incoming documents—billing statements, invoices, letters, purchase orders, membership applications, employment applications, insurance appeals, and legal documents—can be electronically converted and sent to your team in a convenient digital format.

Organizations That Trust Our Work

With VFilecabinet, you can have all your business record in one secure place. We took the simplicity of a file cabinet system, removed the headaches associated, added in some cutting-edge technology, and brought it into the 21st century.

Client Success Stories

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